Mingun Cho

Research Projects

High-performance streaming graph-processing system for computing the connected components of a large and dense graph using CPU. The main responsibility was to optimize the streaming process by enhancing the original implementation to take advantage of the GPU’s computation power. Built my fundamentals of GPU programming (CUDA) and architecture by going through significant modifications and optimizations to allow CPU implementations to be compatible with GPUs. Original Project Publication Link

An Android App development for using litmus tests to showcase the allowed behaviors on Vulkan memory model on Android devices. Worked with Professor Tyler Sorensen and Reese Levine (Ph.D. student who originally developed the Litmus Test Generator for the Vulkan Framework) from UCSC. Developed using Android Studio. The main responsibility was to convert the original project to be compatible with the Android environment.

A research project of studying efficient ways of checking CFL-reachability in graphs. CFL- reachability is a reachability problem in graphs that checks if a path from a vertex to another vertex along which the labels form a string that is part of a context-free language (CFL). Worked with Professor Zhijia Zhao from UCR. Inspired by an open-source project called Graspan.

Simulating N-Body problems using different techniques (Web Workers, QuadTree, WebGPU) to compare their performance. Worked with Professor Tyler Sorensen from UCSC. With WebGPU’s strength of no hardware requirements, WebGPU is an easily accessible tool for GPU programming even if more traditional Nvidia GPUs are widely available in the department. Also applied my experience from this project to turn into a homework assignment for CSE 113 course, allowing more students to learn about GPU programming. Blog Available!

Programming Projects

IOS/Android App Development for enhancing communication between firefighters during incidents. Worked with Professor Navid Shaghaghi from SCU and other student-programmers. Developed using Android Studio to work on the Android side of the project. Got familiar with using Google Firebase to handle the app’s database. Performed a demo showcase in front of firefighters.

An IOS app that is aimed at students to raise productivity levels. It creates a community within students that allows users to challenge each other with tasks to do. Users have access to view tasks that are done by other users, allowing users to gain motivation from each other.

Game Projects

A third-person boss-gauntlet style game where players fight bosses each representing a sin that players must overcome. Developed using Unity Engine. Worked with other programmers to implement all the technical aspects of the game.

A two-player racing game where each player controls a toy car in a house-themed map. Players can collect items to gain a speed boost, obstacles that can be placed to obstruct the other player. Developed using PhaserJS.

A narrative game that captures two characters talking about their life. The game tries to give the best gameplay experience to the players with its visual and audio effects. Players will be able to learn more about each character, possibly find a connection between them.